Service & Installation Rules

Our Service & Installation Rules 12069KB PDF (Manual 32) set out the requirements for connecting electrical equipment to our network. It also sets out the responsibilities for those who engage in any work relating to the power supply of a person's property.

Service & Installation Rules (Manual 32)

If your installation does not comply or satisfy the requirements in these rules, we may delay, withhold or disconnect your supply until it meets these requirements.

General rules

Here are some rules which outline everyone's responsibility when doing work around our network:

Our rules also contain the Technical Installation Rules, which we refer to as TIR. The TIR are part of Regulation 76 of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 and the Electricity Act 1996. We have planned and approve of the sections without the TIR.

I'm looking for the rules about connections and supply. Where can I find them?

For information on our supply characteristics and use, connection points, and additional sources of supply through renewable energy systems like solar, refer to section 6.

For information on our low voltage supply services, underground and overhead services, consumer mains, safety when working near our network, and special installation and supply arrangements, refer to section 7.

For information on metering, connection processes and our service equipment, refer to section 8.

Why do some sections have 'TIR' next to them?

Our rules contain the Technical Installation Rules, which we refer to as TIR. The TIR are part of Regulation 76 of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 and the Electricity Act 1996.

How much clearance do I need to give around the service pit or pillar?

The service pit or pillar needs to have a minimum of 1.2m clearance in radius. This is to make sure our crews have safe access to it. For more information, refer to our Service & Installation Rules.