Marriage certificates are a celebration of a special part of your life. They're also an important personal document. You can use the certificate as proof of your wedding for official purposes.
This might include changing your name on a passport or driver licence. Learn more about changing your name after marriage, separation or divorce.
When ordering a certificate you will need to prove your identity.
During the wedding ceremony, you and your witnesses signed a Commonwealth marriage certificate. This is also known as the 'party certificate'. Usually your celebrant presents it to you after the ceremony.
This certificate is a memento. It is not the registered marriage certificate. Most organisations won’t accept it as official proof of marriage.
The certificate used for legal purposes is known as the ‘legal’ (or registered) marriage certificate.
It is not available on your wedding day. Your celebrant registers your marriage with us after your ceremony.
The registration number is usually in the top right-hand corner of your legal marriage certificate.
Some older certificates show the registration number without the year.
If you've been asked for your marriage registration number, you’ll need to provide the number with a slash and the registration year. For example, “99999/2021”.
‘Registration year’ means the year we registered it. This may be different from when the marriage occurred, especially for marriages in December.
We can't issue certificates for marriages that took place outside of Victoria.
If you were married outside Victoria, contact the Registry of the state, territory or country where the marriage took place.